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July 30, 2023

TSP208 - Incandescent Spirits

The early industrial revolution spawned a spirit of experimentation and invention, and gave birth to innovative individuals - as noted in this podcast - Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse. These inventors, among others, were...

The early industrial revolution spawned a spirit of experimentation and invention, and gave birth to innovative individuals - as noted in this podcast - Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse. These inventors, among others, were instrumental in creating technologies that fundamentally changed the world forever.

Duration - 31:07

Credit: YouTube Segment on Thomas Edison with Comic Tim Wilson

Posted: July 30, 2023


In this podcast episode, we discuss the lives and contributions of inventors Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and George Westinghouse, delving into the rivalry between Edison and Tesla during the "War of Currents" and highlighting Edison's questionable tactics to discredit Tesla's alternating current technology. We also explore Westinghouse's partnership with Tesla and his benevolent treatment of his workers. 

The conversation then shifts to drawing parallels between historical figures and modern figures like Elon Musk, and the importance of understanding historical context. We also talk about the difference between past and present inventions and the implications of modern innovations.