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Jan. 14, 2024

TSP220 - Baby You Move Too Fast

A conversation exploring the physiological and psychological effects of a hurried lifestyle on people's innate and natural rhythms. As life’s tempo accelerates exponentially around us, how can we, not only cope, but also thrive in this frenetic...

A conversation exploring the physiological and psychological effects of a hurried lifestyle on people's innate and natural rhythms. As life’s tempo accelerates exponentially around us, how can we, not only cope, but also thrive in this frenetic environment?

Duration: 29:01

Posted: January 14, 2024


  • Impact of technology on the pace of life
  • Negative effects of constant hurry
  • Devaluation of language and communication
  • Lack of thoughtful responses
  • Art of listening being lost
  • Physiological and mental benefits of slowing down
  • Differences in pace between urban and rural life
  • Impact of technology on writing
  • Anxiety driven by the fear of mortality
  • Importance of modeling a balanced approach to time and pace